Ummmm....... Carp.....

Ummmm....... Carp.....
now what do I do....?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

fpoooooooooo... - 3 -

I... I haven't written a post since christmas...? l'D *sobs forever* well, whatever. I guess I'm worried about my grades. I don't think I have an A or a B in my honors class, and if I don't, I'll get dropped from the class. ; A ; I don't wanna be dropped, naturally. I'll post some pictures of the 16 inches of snow soon~

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Character profile

here's the character thing you requested, sonniku-senpai~

first snow~

It snowed last night! it still is snowing, but it's so pretty outside! I can't wait to go roll in it~

Friday, November 12, 2010

ugly awaaaaaaaaay

s-so um, I decided to post a picture of me again, now that I started to wear mascera... kinda hard to see though...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

random.. tablet pictures. XD

*blows out candles*

Happy birthday, to me~
Happy birthday, to me~
Happy BIR~thday, dear, mido~~~~
Happy birthday, to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

yay~ I'm finally fifteen. I don't feel any older, but it's the thought that counts. I'll get into detail about what I did today later. But for now I'll just tell you that my mom's making taco meat, and I'm very lonley. ; u ;

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

*stomach gurgle* *groan*

blurgh.. I'm home sick today.. I can feel heartburn right now... *sneeze* bleah. I'm nautious... *cough*. I feel so crappy... I'm glad I stayed home... ugh, I'm getting a headache now, I'll be in the chat soon tonight. see you soon. *gag* bye.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


the very first picture I've completed on my new program... failure. - u -''

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


this girl here is gretchen, my good friend. I'm not sure how long we've been friends for, but she's there for me anyway~

and then comes....

MASON.... you all heard of him.. no commentary needed.. also, if you look behind him, the blurred person is the school's police officer... I don't know his name though....

this is the view from my stairwell, stairwell B. nice view of the busses and a little of the field..... sorta...

these are the ugly lockers... lol

the library

aaaaaaaand some other random things....