Ummmm....... Carp.....

Ummmm....... Carp.....
now what do I do....?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Picture for Sonikku

sorry, it kinda sucks. < n <'' I tried


  1. *nose bleed* Oh my gah 8DDDDDDDDDDD
    Mido it doesn't suck at all, I love it soooo much~ <333
    Plus it's your style, everyone has their own style and all =3

    I really love the colors in the background and the poses~ x3333

    Though something is a little off and all...
    (Huzzah... My digital artist instincts have risen ^^;)

    Have you ever tried using layers? Those are EXTREMELY helpful. As I looked at most of your art, you first did your line art then you start coloring them in. That's kinda alright, but it's your kind of style.

    Try and practice in using layers sometimes. They are an artist's best friend <33

    I really love how you draw Nina, she's so cute :D

  2. I've posted mido on my art blog alright? :D
