Ummmm....... Carp.....

Ummmm....... Carp.....
now what do I do....?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

fpoooooooooo... - 3 -

I... I haven't written a post since christmas...? l'D *sobs forever* well, whatever. I guess I'm worried about my grades. I don't think I have an A or a B in my honors class, and if I don't, I'll get dropped from the class. ; A ; I don't wanna be dropped, naturally. I'll post some pictures of the 16 inches of snow soon~


  1. *gasp* Not getting an A or B from your Honors class?! D:
    Noes, that's really bad ;w;
    Mido-Chan, you WILL get A's and B's in your Honors Class I'm certain >D

    Meh, before I got my grades for the 1st marking period, I'm worried like you... mostly English ;w;
    My critical thinking in literature is atrocious and my vocabulary isn't increasing DDx

    Though as soon as I got my report card... I was happy. Thank goodness~ <33

    Straight A's =3

    But meh, enough about me.

    Don't worry too much Mido-Chan~ <3 You'll still be in your honors class. You can count on it 83

  2. Since Thanksgiving actually. Christmas hasn't passed. (Sweatdrop) I'm sure you're doing fine!! You are a smart person and very kind and nice.

  3. It's alright, Midoiiro <3 Don't fret about your grades, as long as you work hard on the assignments and turn everything in, you'll be fine. <3

    And you should be proud of being in an Honor's class. Not everyone can get into them, so you are quite lucky~

    Just try your best and you'll be okay <3

    And pictures would be wonderful~ Don't rush about posting them though. (just before the snow melts would be nice xD) ; u ; You're lucky to have snow <3
